With name, highlights and flavor, all details that have been released for Myokem’s upcoming mTOR Pro, we are getting down to the last bits of information. Today we have the extended release BCAA’s facts panel to show off, giving you a full on breakdown of everything that is the brand’s fifth formula. Joining mTOR’s previously confirmed 8g of BCAAs, 3g of that dedicated to Myokem’s exclusive time release ActiveTR. We have the brand’s own balance of aminos listing 938mg of lysine, 685mg threonine, 310mg phenylalanine, 292mg tyrosine, 175mg histidine and 100mg of methionine. Moving on down the label Myokem have packed in an additional hydration matrix made up of taurine, potassium gluconate and sodium chloride, and to round it all out 50mg of AstraGin. For a closer look at the mTOR Pro formula we have uploaded the supplement’s official facts panel below, where you may also notice something quite different from the brand. Just as Myokem promised last year, they are now 100% transparently dosing with mTOR being the first example of that honesty. Each and every ingredient has its own dose listed, even the hydration matrix displaying its numbers in brackets. The only thing left to come now is the supplement itself, which we can only hope the brand launch with deals just as good as they had for Magnitropin and Alphadex last year.