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Creatine confirms supplement #5 for Recon and the brand’s Basic Training Series

Creatine confirms supplement #5 for Recon and the brand's Basic Training Series

Recon Nutrition, the supplement company that was actually a two product brand not too long ago, are continuing with their effort in the area of individual ingredient formulas. Following on from their unveiling of the basic carnitine supplement ALCAR last month, Recon have made it two individuals thanks to the slightly more common product Creatine. Weighing in at 300g the supplement packs a total of 50 servings, each carrying just the one common form of the item’s title ingredient, creatine monohydrate. It is worth pointing out that on this one Recon have also added the subtitle Basic Training. While that didn’t make sense when it was on ALCAR, we now know Basic Training is in fact the title of the brand’s basic series, further suggesting Recon have more simple products to come. Thanks to the brand’s latest they have actually now more than doubled their total amount of supplements going from last year’s two Ambush and Thermonuke, to five with the other one being Recoil. We don’t quite have any idea yet on when Creatine is due to arrive, just that it will be joining Recon’s line sometime soon.

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