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Chemix builds a reputable brand in 2019 and wins Newcomer Of The Year

chemix stack3d newcomer of the year

From the last couple of months of 2018 through to the end of 2019, we saw a mountain of new brands hit the market, although not all of them had the same level of impact. From that large list of newcomers, we nominated five for our first-ever Newcomer Of The Year Award, but of course, only one can take home the title.

Today we’re pleased to announce that the winner of our 2019 Newcomer Of The Year Award is the Guerrilla Chemist’s supplement company, Chemix. The long-awaited brand initially hit the market in the first month of the year with just the one product, then went on to build out its lineup, taking on more and more categories.

chemix stack3d newcomer of the year

The first supplement we saw from Guerrilla Chemist’s Chemix was a stimulant-heavy pre-workout, which was soon joined by a carbohydrate powered intra-workout. While those two products certainly brought some attention to the brand, it was the releases that followed that really made some noise and put Chemix on the map.

Near the middle of the year, Chemix came out with a stimulant-free pump formula in King Of Pumps, the truly unique and very effective cortisol supplement Cortibloc, and a heavily dosed, full-spectrum EAA product.

chemix stack3d newcomer of the year

We reviewed both Chemix King Of Pumps and Cortibloc, who are still on our list of top five pump pre-workouts and weight loss supplements, respectively. While King Of Pumps is great, Cortibloc is the slightly more impressive one as it delivers noticeable weight loss without stimulants, so it is easily stacked with other supplements.

Overall, everything Chemix put out in 2019 was incredibly well-received by our audience, to the point where small, vague teasers were enough to cause excitement. It has been fun to watch the brand grow and quickly become a respected and reputable name in the increasingly competitive supplement industry.

chemix stack3d newcomer of the year

The Guerrilla Chemist’s Chemix did everything we look for in our Newcomer Of The Year in 2019, dropping a great selection of quality and effective products. We can’t help but be excited for 2020, especially since we know the brand is already in the middle of putting together a focus formula and sleep support supplement.