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Marc Lobliner chats about his journey with Outright and the reputable MTS Nutrition

Interview with Marc Lobliner on Outright and MTS Nutrition

This week on the interview episode for our Stack3d Supplement Podcast, we brought on the one and only Marc Lobliner, who has a part in a mountain of different brands. He’s the face of the reputable retailer Tiger Fitness, he’s one of the key members of the Ambrosia Collective, he has MTS Nutrition, O15 Nutrition, Pump Chasers, and, of course, the original real food snack, the Outright Bar.

Marc Lobliner came on for one of our longest interviews to date, and despite the length, we really only covered a fraction of the brands he has a hand in. The two key companies we went over were his hit functional brand Outright, the path its own, the competitors its inspired, and how different of a journey it’s been. The other one was MTS Nutrition, fitting, as it did just drop the revamped Clash-3D.

It’s a great conversation with many informative topics, including the inspiration behind infusing the Outright Bar with Velositol, the brand’s experimentation in other formats, and one of the important strategies behind MTS’ new Clash-3D formula. As always, you can check out the entire interview on all of the usual podcast platforms; iTunes, Spotify, Google, and SoundCloud.

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